
Conscious of our environmental and social responsibilities, we promote the use of sustainable waste treatment methods to recover valuable raw materials. We also provide recycling and waste collection, treatment, recovery and disposal services for dry liquid and hazardous waste, and on-site decommissioning and emergency response services.
Green procurement and adaptation
The challenges that communities in developing countries face as a result of climate change – such as more frequent and intense storms, water scarcity, declining agricultural productivity and poor health – also pose serious challenges for businesses. Both local and Shobaj Investments global companies depend on community members as suppliers, customers and employees.



- Avoid costs, manage liabilities and build resilience to climate change impacts
throughout their operations and value chains.
- Expand market share and create wealth in communities by deploying new
products and services that aid adaptation
- Access new opportunities to collaborate with the public sector.
- Build corporate reputation and exercise good corporate citizenship by showing
commitment to sustainability



emission management

The carbon footprint captures all the data required to assess the emissions for your business. This is the equivalent of a ‘carbon profit and loss statement’. It becomes the baseline from which reductions can be measured. Some types of emissions have Global
Warming Factors (GWF), which are considerably more damaging than carbon dioxide itself. At Shobaj Investments, we have developed a system of ensuring the process of
carbon neutrality is as easy and beneficial for you as it can be. We implement strategies to reduce emissions and take steps to re-position the business in this carbon aware